THE FANTASIA FOOTBALL LEAGUE - Register & select Team Name - Prize Money $4,650 per Season - Instead of Arsenal & Man Utd, we have Invincible Gunners & Withering Walnuts - Your Team belongs to one of three Dominions. Promotion/Relegation applies twice per season - Spend minutes predicting the outcome of 15 EURO matches through our database link to Fantasia - There are many Leagues across Euro Football from which predictions are made - Your success at tipping results will reflect your status in THE FANTASIA FOOTBALL LEAGUE & CUP COMPETITIONS - Tipsters move through Leagues of 20 Teams by way of competing with separate Teams on being Promoted from [CS/MINOR DIV].

HOW YOU SCORE: Correct match score (5) & bonus points (3) for selecting W/D/L - (2) for (1) correct score in fixture - Your weekly score minus (-) bonus points gives your League score for the week - Your weekly score Plus (+) bonus points gives your position amongst other Teams in Point Scorers Overall & Order of Merit & your Cup score where a Cup Fixture is played.

AUTO PILOT - Players use this facility to allow a given Algorithm System to make Predictions in lieu of doing so themselves.
ON LOGIN - Scroll to Algorithm you want to use [UNDER COMPETITION IN MENU.]