Select your predicted number of goals each team will score for the Saturday/Sunday in question in data box provided.
You score Two points for correctly predicting the score of any team.
You score Five points for correctly predicting the score of both teams
See below for % of success calculations
You may change the League in which you make your Predictions on a Weekly basis.
Scores for any Cup game predicted on will be the Final score (AET) before penalties & NOT the 90 min score.

Information for the most dedicated Tipster:

Calculations to be as follows:

overall standings score will be calculated as:

(number of predictions made)
Total points x -----------------------------
Total matches (not postponed)

Overall standings percentage to be calculated as:

Overall score 100
---------------------- x ---
Maximum possible score 1

Maximum possible score = (5 points + 3 bonus points) x number of predictions made

Where a player played: (a) 15 predictions for three rounds and predicted 100% (with no postponements), the calculations would be:

number of predictions = 15 predictions * 3 rounds = 45 total matches = 15 predictions * 3 rounds = 45 total points = (5 points per match + 3 bonus points) * 45 = 360

overall standing score = 360.
overall percentage = 100%

(b) 15 predictions for 2 rounds and 11 predictions for round 3 (4 games postponed) and predicted 100%, the calculations would be:
number of predictions = 15 predictions * 3 rounds = 45 total matches = 15 * 2 rounds + 11 * 1 round = 41 total points = (5 points per match + 3 bonus points) * 41 = 328 overall standing score = 360 overall percentage = 100%

(c) 15 predictions for three rounds and predicted only one score in each match correctly and 7 games/round got the bonus (with no postponements), the calculations would be:

number of predictions = 15 predictions * 3 rounds = 45 total matches = 15 predictions * 3 rounds = 45 total points = (2 points * 15 + 3 points * 7) * 3 rounds = 153 overall standing score = 153 overall percentage = 42.5%

(d) 15 predictions for two rounds and predicted only one score in each match correctly and 7 games/round got the bonus (with no postponements), and 11 predictions for one round and predicted only one score in each match correctly and 5 games got the bonus (4 games postponed) the calculations would be:

total matches = 15 * 2 rounds + 11 * 1 round = 41 total points = (2 points * 15 + 3 points * 7) * 2 rounds + (2 points * 11 + 3 points * 5) * 1 round = 139
overall standing score = 152.56 - overall percentage = 42.38%

Calculations give the players pro-rata (based on their performance) for the postponed matches, enabling the score to be easily followed from the individual points from round to round.